Monday, April 2, 2012

Justin's Answer to Snicker's

On a recent raid in Whole Foods, I happened to notice a new Justin's product that I'd yet to try. If you aren't familiar, Justin Gold is the founder of Justin's nut butters, a company based in Boulder Colorado. And being the self-established peanut butter connoisseur I am, there can't be a long span of time for me to discover a new Justin's product and then try it as quickly as possible.

Of course peanut butter cups have always held a special place in my heart, Justin's especially. They're starting to pop up everywhere it seems, as are the conveniently sized squeeze packets of nut butters. I'm even noticing a girl sucking one down in the cafe I'm siting in! They're not only packed with natural and organic protein, but curb my very predominant sweet tooth on a regular occasion. The ingredients are so good that you don't need tons of them to feel satisfied. In fact, one of their candy bars (a brand new product that I'm thrilled about) is more than enough for one sitting, and I can usually put away a lot of chocolate and peanut butter, especially when combined.

Years ago, when my search for wellness began, I started seeing a pattern in my happiness and health in conjunction with the quality of food I was consuming. I have always had a twisted relationship with both Reese's and Snicker's, feeling the strong pull of lust only to crash into sleepiness and sadness once my craving was satiated. This went on for years, until I discovered organic alternatives. If you think there is little difference between candy with organic ingredients and ones without, then try some and feel the difference for yourself.
I was speaking to a girl at Whole Foods named Caitlin, who agrees that these new candy bars by Justin's are indeed the answer I've been looking for to Snicker's. I have her to thank for suggesting them in the first place. Who can say no to a little bit of a Snicker's bar, especially when crushed and sprinkled over ice cream! Now I can, because there are so many awesome alternatives. Coconut Bliss ice cream and Justin's is just what the homeopath ordered, and if you find yourself wondering why the cost is a few dollars extra, you can get a reminder by the way you feel when you wake up in the morning...not like a puffy-faced couch potato. More like, I dunno, a real human being who just ate real food! I love when I can treat myself and have something healthy too.

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